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Image by Imani Clovis


Zonology is a natural treatment that heals the body as a whole instead of focusing on individual symptoms. The Zoning philosophy is that our body’s systems are inter-related and work together synergistically for optimal health and wellness. Imbalances can occur in the body if only one area is treated at a time.

Zonology is the science of balancing, rejuvenating, and repairing the body through the signal system in the foot, face and back. It involves ZoneBalance and ZoneAnalysis. Pure essential oils are also applied to help further the healing.

Zone Balance heals the body by accessing the signals and prompting cells to repair and renew themselves at the DNA level. Zone Analysis identifies the areas of imbalance in the body to help us focus on potential changes that will lead to better health, harmonious balance and overall vitality.

Zonology (“Zoning”) can help relieve many ailments such as:

  • Chronic and acute pain

  • Low immunity & energy

  • Digestive problems

  • Headaches & migraines

  • Autoimmune illnesses

  • Metabolic issues

  • Stress & anxiety

  • Emotional and mental imbalances

During and after a Zoning session, clients share that they feel calm, rejuvenated and have an increased sense of well-being.

Best of all, Zoning is a completely natural and non-invasive treatment without negative side effects. Most people can benefit from Zoning, including children, teenagers, women, men and the elderly.

What is Zoning?: About



Foot Zoning is the science and method of working with the signal system in the feet to repair, renew and rejuvenate the cells and organs, allowing the body to heal itself. While our bodies are perfect, amazing and sophisticated, our diet, lifestyle, and environmental influences have profound effects on them. These influences can lead to physical, emotional and mental disturbances.


Foot zoning helps bring our body back into homeostasis and gives it a “reboot.” It raises the life energy and helps to balance our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Foot Zoning is the foundation zone and is greatly therapeutic. Clients feel relaxed and revitalized during and after a Foot Zone.


  • Elevates energy, immunity and overall wellness

  • Relieves chronic and acute pain

  • Balances hormones

  • Improves brain functioning

  • Cleanses lymphatic stagnation

  • Increases blood circulation

  • Removes toxins and waste

  • Improves digestion


  • Zone Analysis – Looking at & feeling the feet to detect the imbalances in the body. This guides us to potential changes that can improve our health. 

  • Zone Balance – Utilizing the signals in the foot to help restore, repair and rejuvenate the cells and organs. This treatment consists of using the knuckles and thumbs and applying light circular motions to specific parts of the feet.


If Foot Zoning is for the physical body, Face Zoning is for the mental. It is what we call a natural face lift. The treatment uses the signal systems in the face to balance the inner organs and glandular system that have been burdened from mental disturbances from a lifetime of sounds and tastes. These disturbances leave an imprint on our body and burden our organs. The negative effects on our health are visible on the face. Face Zoning helps to restore, renew and rejuvenate our body and face.


Face Zoning helps to release mental burdens and leaves the mind feeling refreshed and renewed. Your skin will also feel amazing and you may even notice yourself looking younger. A Face Zone helps the client to feel happier, peaceful and energized.


  • Calms the mind & brings clarity

  • Creates harmony between the heart and head

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improves skin elasticity and appearance

  • Balances hormones

  • Elevates mood

  • Revitalizes memory

  • Promotes restful sleep


  • Zone Analysis – Looking at and feeling the face to detect the imbalances in the body.

  • Zone Balance – Utilizing the signals in the face to correct, repair and rejuvenate our glandular system, hormones and inner organs. Face Zoning helps to bring our mind and body back to a self-correcting state.

  • Tissue Rejuvenation – Increasing circulation, cleansing tissues, along with the lymphatic system, spinal nerves and the bone structure to assist in balancing the mental body. This treatment also helps to renew & lift the face, decrease and even out wrinkles, improve circulation in the face muscles and remove double chin. Regular treatment promotes a younger looking face.

  • Aromatic Rejuvenation – this relaxing therapeutic treatment rounds out the experience and leaves the client feeling relaxed and revitalized. A personalized Pure Essential Oils blend is applied to support and heal areas of the body that are weakened or out of balanced. EO's rejuvenate muscles, lymph, skin, inner organs and nerves in face and signal systems to the body.

What is Zoning?: Services

Marina del Rey, CA

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